Style in Life … and Death?

Death is one of the certainties in life, so why not do it in style! Whoops, that sounds really bad, so let me rephrase that to say, why not be “buried” in style! Yeah, THAT sounds a whole lot better. More acceptable anyway.

So you might be wondering what on earth got me on to the topic of death and burials? Well I am a genie nut so it kinda goes without saying that we are always interested in cemeteries, but in this case it was a link that a genealogy buddy shared on social media.

Trove Tuesday: 1 March 1954, The Day the Earth Shook South Australia

This post is about earthquakes, but let me start off by saying that South Australia is not known for its quakes. In fact it is more known for the lack of quakes, which is why it is big news if we have one.

Yesterday was one of those rare days when South Australia (well parts of it) shook. I found this when I was driving home from work and heard it on the news. The report said that South Australia had had two small earthquakes (see the picture below). Remember I said we don’t get them here, so even the small ones make news!

A Thank You To My Readers

As part of my job I get to do a lot of reading, which for me includes reading blog posts. One blog that I follow, and everyone should too, is Jill Ball’s GeniAus blog.  She keeps her readers up to date on all-sorts of genealogy-related topics. On a recent post titled Positive Reinforcement, she says how someone commented about her Google Hangouts on Air giving some some wonderfully positive feedback, which has spurred her on, or in her words “given me the encouragement to persevere”.

This reminded me of a comment that a reader of my blog sent to me last night. She writes …

Still Plenty of Research Left to Do!

It goes without saying that genealogy never actually ends. There’s always another person, branch, or even half a tree left to research. Not to mention whole generations back further, or those sideways ones that grab your attention. There simply is ALWAYS more research to do.

During the end of the year while many were writing their roundups of 2013, I found a blog post on the Twisted Twigs on Gnarled Branches blog, which was asking you to tally up your family. Covering 9 generations starting from your parents and going back to 7x Great Grandparents – it puts things in perspective when you see the numbers.

Anyway I’ve seen this kind of chart before but never actually sat down and worked it out … so I thought “I’ll give it a go”.