My Response to “It’s All In the Numbers” Geneameme

It’s now over a week since I sent out the “It’s All in the Numbers” geneameme, so I thought I’d better get my butt into gear and actually post my response to it. Given the fact that I’ve had time to think about this prior to even posting it, you’d think that I’d have had all my answers by now. But in reality I keep thinking of more, not to mention changing some that I’d already had noted.

But I can see that this will go on forever if I don’t get it posted, so here goes …

It’s All in the Numbers Geneameme

Ever since I created the Family History Through the Alphabet Blog Challenge back in 2012, one idea that continued to make a regular visit is “numbers”, and how I could make that work that into a blog challenge. Over time I have come up with numerous scenarios, but none have made it beyond my head yet.

Anyway rather than create a blog challenge – which does tend to tie you into something for a number of weeks, and this time of year is busy enough. And there are already some regular blog challenges currently going, I’ve decided that this can be a geneameme.

Crissouli’s Geneameme – My Responses

Crissouli, from the As They Were blog, has asked for a few moments of our time to answer some questions. She called them questions, I call it a geneameme … but whatever, there’s a bunch of genealogy releated questions which require answers.

So here’s my responses …

1. What is the most important detail you want to find about your  ancestors?
Ooh there’s so many, and each one varies. But I guess each goes down to wanting to know more detail about the person, not just the name and date of someone. But there’s when and how did Samuel Trewartha get from Cornwall to New Jersey? And what happened to his daughter Eliza Trewartha? What did my great grandpa Otto Winter do in the 7 years he was at sea when he allegedly sailed the world several times over, and what was it he did in America that he’d be in trouble for? Then there’s the “why did they emigrate”, and the “where did that one go to” questions for numerous family.

A Blogging Overview: The Bloggers’ Geneameme

You know I love blogging, so how could I go past Jill Ball’s (aka Geniaus) new geneameme, “The Bloggers’ Geneameme“.

Jill writes …

“It’s NationaI Family History Month here in Australia and I have been procrastinating about hosting an online activity to mark the event. I am very interested in hearing about the practices and thoughts of fellow Geneabloggers so thought I’d dream up a little geneameme on the topic. You are invited to respond to the questions in this short geneameme via a post on your blog. Please write as little or as much as you like and don’t feel obliged to answer all the questions.”