It’s All in the Numbers Geneameme

Ever since I created the Family History Through the Alphabet Blog Challenge back in 2012, one idea that continued to make a regular visit is “numbers”, and how I could make that work that into a blog challenge. Over time I have come up with numerous scenarios, but none have made it beyond my head yet.

Anyway rather than create a blog challenge – which does tend to tie you into something for a number of weeks, and this time of year is busy enough. And there are already some regular blog challenges currently going, I’ve decided that this can be a geneameme.

Dr Allan Elliott Randell (1871-1941)

Now and then I have a photograph that I just want to share, and this is one of those times.

I found this photo of Doctor Allan Elliott Randell in my dad’s collection – which has to be one of the coolest photos don’t you agree? He’s here in his De Dion car (note the little crank handle on the front) … anyway as he’s not a direct line ancestor I knew very little about him, so I headed to Trove, and found his death details and obituary.