“The Forensic Genealogist” – I’m a Fan

I’ve never been one to follow the latest trend. Instead I tend to come to the party late … if at all.

So it is with the latest additions to my book collection. I do love a good read. A good novel to tune out with, and I have a number of authors that I have read all their books cover to cover. And now I have a new name to that list, and that is Nathan Dylan Goodwin.

I know many of you have heard of him already, and are longtime dedicated fans … like I said, I don’t follow the crowd, but I usually get there eventually.

Anyway for the benefit of of the odd person who doesn’t know of him, Nathan writes fiction books with Morton Farrier as the lead character who is a forensic genealogist – yes, truly! Cool, eh?

He’s written 8 books in “The Forensic Genealogist” series to date, and I’m currently partway through them, but with some long plane flights coming up, I expect to get through another one or two.

I’m not going to tell you anything about the books, except that if you love a good read, lots of suspense, along with action, and genealogy – you’ll get it all (at least in those I’ve read so far). And you’ll get taken into Morton’s world of life as a researcher and see how he susses out his cases, visiting many archives and other places along the way.

The titles in this series (to date are):

  1. Hiding the Past
  2. The Lost Ancestor
  3. The Orange Lilies
  4. The America Ground
  5. The Spyglass File
  6. The Missing Man
  7. The Wicked Trade & The Suffragette’s Secret
  8. The Sterling Affair

Nathan even has a prequel to the series on his website, which you can download for free.

The Forensic Genealogist series are available in book form and as ebooks, so do yourself a favour if you like a good read, and check out NATHAN DYLAN GOODWIN’S books.



4 Responses to ““The Forensic Genealogist” – I’m a Fan”

  1. Susie Zada says:

    Louise Coakley introduced me to Nathan Dylan Goodwin – definitely hooked! Great for reading on train trips to Melbourne – have the eBook versions. VERY hard to put down.

    Like you, I was late starting on his books but have made up for it in the meantime.

  2. Jennifer Jones says:

    I’m always late to take up trends. I’ve seen lots of genie friends talking about this book but so far haven’t jumped in. You’ve reminded me it’s time. I’m an avid reader and a book about genealogy would fit me perfectly.

  3. Genie Jen says:

    A great read but take a bit of concentration as the stories are complex.

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