Conference Bling from RootsTech 2013

If anyone wants to know why my suitcase was overweight on my return flight from RootsTech (and yes it was!!!), it may have had something to do with all the bling and other bits I collected while over in the US.

Apart from the enormity of the whole conference, and seeing the completely different demographic of it all (so techy-minded, and so much younger than conference I’ve been to in Oz), something else that I learnt and experienced was the ‘bling’ that went with it.

Admittedly not everyone was into it, but I was there for the experience and take it all in, so I embraced it, and here’s  my RootsTech bling.

Bling from RootsTech 2013

So let me explain the bits in the photo above. Starting in the top lefthand corner:

  1. The official RootsTech lanyard with nametag with some extra badges that I was given added to it.
  2. Next are my two lots of geneablogger beads. The black and silver one was the official one for all geneabloggers there (all 85 or so of us), while the green and purple was was given to the Aussie geneabloggers as it has palmtrees and thongs (aka flip-flops in the US) on it.
  3. The last item on the top was my RootsTech exhibitor bracelet. I had to wear this so I was allowed in and out of the exhibitor hall prior to RootsTech actually opening.
  4. The bright red item is a t-shirt that was available for sale at RootsTech that I had to buy: Eat. Drink. Sleep. Connect.  (and it was a bargain at only US$10).
  5. The last item is my Conference ribbons. This is not something I’ve ever encountered before, but seems to well enough known in the US. A number of exhibitors have little ribbons with their logo or something written on it, and attendees can take them and add to their collection of ribbons, and wear them proudly.
me (complete with bling), got to meet Leland Meitzler from Family Roots Publishing

me (complete with bling), meeting Leland Meitzler from Family Roots Publishing

Linda from BillionGraves and me (all blinged up)

Linda from BillionGraves and me (all blinged up)

So what do you think? Should we bring Conference bling to Australia?

5 Responses to “Conference Bling from RootsTech 2013”

  1. Fiona says:

    I love the bling in the US…we should have something different…not sure what that is at the moment though.

    Thanks for sharing it all Alona.

  2. Jill Ball says:

    Bring On The Bling.
    We Had Some At Congress In Adelaide And At The UTP Event In Brisbane Last Year. I’ll Ma Ke Sure I Bring Beads for The Genabloggers On The 2014 UTP GeneaCruise.

    • Alona says:

      Yes, we have had the blogger beads which I do love and we are educating the public bit-by-bit, but I am wondering how well the ribbons would go in Oz … hmmmm!!

  3. Laila says:

    I loved the bling! Not common in Norway either, it is just typical the “american way” of celebrating and having fun! Bring the bling in to genealogy!! I got the t-shirt from one of my friends at the FHL, but i gave it to one of our norwegian group-attendees, as it was a tiny bit to small….

    See you next year Alona!

  4. Pauleen says:

    Looks like you had a ton of fun Alona!! Thanks for sharing your “haul” with us.

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