Christmas Geneameme – Deck the Halls 2012

It’s now only days away from Christmas, and what better way to celebrate it coming than to reminisce a little with a Christmas Geneameme.

Pauleen from Family History Across the Seas, has come up with Deck the Halls 2012 Christmas Geneameme, and is inviting geneabloggers around to world, to share their Christmas experiences. As she says “the more the merrier”, although she would like all blog posts in by December 16th if possible … and don’t forget to leave a link to your geneameme response in the comments section or on Google+ or on Twitter using hashtag #xmasgeneameme.

For this meme, it doesn’t matter whether you’re religiously inclined or not, just tell us how important this season is to your family.

So here goes …


1. Do you have any special Xmas traditions in your family?
Hmmm, I wouldn’t say that we have any ‘special traditions’. Just the usual, put up the tree, write cards (hopefully), put Christmas food etc. Maybe I should think hard ans start making a ‘special tradition.

2. Is church attendance an important part of your Christmas celebrations and do you go the evening before or on Xmas Day?
I grew up going to church, but don’t anymore, so no.

3. Did/do you or your children/grandchildren believe in Santa?
I kinda realised that Santa wasn’t Santa when I recognised the handwriting on the gift tag from Santa was mum’s 😉

4. Do you go carolling in your neighbourhood?
Not so much in the neighbourhood, but at the local church when I went to church.

5. What’s your favourite Christmas music?
I wouldn’t say I have a favourite, but I guess I like more modern singers singing carols.

6. What’s your favourite Christmas carol?
I do like Little Drummer Boy, that always gets me singing or humming along.

7. Do you have a special Xmas movie/book you like to watch/read?
No, not anything Christmassy, but do like to use some of the free time to catch up watching DVDs and books. Now, this is starting to make me feel like I’m not really into Christmas :-/

8. Does your family do individual gifts, gifts for littlies only, Secret Santa (aka Kris Kringle)?
Currently we do individual gifts, but that will be interesting in a few years time when the family get bigger.

9. Is your main Christmas meal indoors or outdoors, at home or away?
Christmas day is breakfast at the in-laws place depending on how hot or cold it is, it’s either in the lounge room, or outside on the patio. Then it is lunch with my family which has been know to be outside. But that usually depends on the weather and also how many are are there for lunch.

10. What do you eat as your main course for the Christmas meal?
Usually roast lamb and chicken, with roast vegies, followed by pudding for dessert, followed by slices, biscuits and lollies, and usually more nibble food after that. As usual you eat enough food for a week in a day.

11. Do you have a special recipe you use for Xmas?
As I haven’t had to do any Christmas cooking, I don’t, but I my mum does for her Christmas pudding.

12. Does Christmas pudding feature on the Xmas menu? Is it your recipe or one you inherited?
Yes, and yes to the inherited bit … well I assume so. Most of mum’s recipes came from her mum, so I’m guessing its a passed on recipe.  As I’m not a fan of Christmas pudding (too much fruit, and not enough chocolate for my liking), I opt to have a little chocolate pudding instead, but it certainly a fav with everyone else.

13. Do you have any other special Christmas foods? What are they?
Mum makes almond bread, apricot balls and polish sausage (which is actually a chocolate, mint and coconut slice that looks like polish sausage).  Since we rarely get these any other time of year, I assume I can consider them ‘Christmas foods’.

14. Do you give home-made food/craft for gifts at Christmas?
Sometimes to the craft part. My best one, was a large 9 generation circle family tree chart, filled in as much as I can for the in-laws. [Note to self: must update that chart]

15. Do you return to your family for Xmas or vice versa?
Since I don’t live far away from my family, I wouldn’t say ‘return’, but we do spend Christmas together as a family.

16. Is your Christmas celebrated differently from your childhood ones? If yes, how does it differ?
I don’t wake up at 6am begging to open my presents. Instead I have cats begging for food … but that’s everyday actually. And I now spend it with two families, not just one.

17. How do you celebrate Xmas with your friends? Lunch? Pre-Xmas outings? Drop-ins?
We meet up with friends on Christmas Eve, our immediate family on Christmas Day, and then extended family on Boxing Day.

18. Do you decorate your house with lights? A little or a lot?
No, I never really got into the whole lights thing – though it can look very pretty.

19. Is your neighbourhood a “Xmas lights” tour venue?
No, fortunately.

20. Does your family attend Carols by Candlelight singalongs/concerts? Where?
No. [Oh dear I’m getting that feeling of being ‘un-Christmassy’ again]

21. Have any of your Christmases been spent camping (unlikely for our northern-hemisphere friends)?
Not that I can ever remember. And since I was 3 when my family last went camping, I doubt it.

22. Is Christmas spent at your home, with family or at a holiday venue?
At home. Actually I can’t remember any that weren’t at home.

23. Do you have snow for Christmas where you live?
Not a chance here in South Australia being the middle of Summer. Although we have been known to jump in the pool, or get out the slip-n-slide. And usually have to cover the food so the flies don’t get all over it.

24. Do you have a Christmas tree every year?
Absolutely, it’s one of the things I do have to do for Christmas.

25. Is your Christmas tree a live tree (potted/harvested) or an imitation?
I’m quite happy with an imitation one, and it’s lasted me well. Less dirt and pine needles everywhere, and knowing my ability to kill plants a fake one works better for me, and my cats.

26. Do you have special Xmas tree decorations?
Not particularly, but I do buy one new Christmas thing in the ‘after-Christmas-sale each year, so I have a new decoration for next year.

27. Which is more important to your family, Christmas or Thanksgiving?
Christmas, since we don’t have Thanksgiving.


So there it is, there’s a few Christmas reminiscences from my past, together with how we spend our Christmas.

And to all my readers, firstly thank you for taking the time to read this, and I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and a wonderful year in 2013.

And I couldn’t not share the picture below with you. I can’t take credit for it, but it does symbolise an Australia-style Christmas don’t  you think?

5 Responses to “Christmas Geneameme – Deck the Halls 2012”

  1. Thanks for a taste of Christmas in Australia. Kind of sounds like some of the Christmas’ when I lived in Florida.

  2. Judy Webster says:

    I absolutely love your photo of the sand-castle Santa!

  3. Pauleen says:

    What a great response Alona. It’s been so interesting seeing both the similarities and differences. Great idea about the family chart! Peter’s mum used to make almond bread but I never do…one of those things. It sounds like your families have the Xmas socialising well organised so everyone gets to enjoy each other’s company. And I bet your mum worked hard to disguise her handwriting too…I always made sure I used different wrapping paper.

    Love your Santa Sandman too.

    Have a great Christmas time with your family (and those Xmas cats). WIll enjoy reading your posts again in 2013.

  4. Catherine says:

    That “Polish Sausage” your mum makes is sure tickling my tastebuds Alona 🙂 “The Little Drummer Boy” certainly tugs at my heartstrings. Your mention of the “slippery slide” brings back heaps of memories. Thanks for sharing Alona… brought back lots of memories, including trying to keep the flies off the food when dining outdoors 🙂 Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year too.

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