Blogging: How it Started for Me

How did you get into blogging? It is an interesting question, and one that I do get asked from time-to-time. So today I thought I’d write the story down publicly.

Blogging was something that I never wanted to get into … yes, I know, I know … says she who is now rather addicted to it. But it is true. It was decided (though not by me) that my work needed a blog, and I was given the task of being the writer for it. I did start off very tentative wondering what to even write about, and what would be useful to let people know about, as well as figuring I didn’t have any interesting news to tell people … but almost 4 years later, I’m still the writer of that blog (Genealogy & History News), and now I simply don’t get enough time to write all the blog posts I want to. [DREAMJOB: that would be a full-time geneablogger].

Anyway after writing for the work blog for a while, I discovered two things.
1. I was getting the itch to write some things that just wouldn’t fit on the work blog.
2. I rediscovered my love of writing.

I have vivid memory of being in primary school and having a relief teacher for the class, who then asked what we should do. Naturally I put up my hand and asked if we could write an essay, which was what we ended up doing. Needless to say I was NOT popular with the other kids after that. But that is my first real defining memory of realising that I loved writing.

So October 2009 was when I’d made the decision to start my own blog, and Lonetester HQ was born. Once again, I had those same thoughts about “no one will read it”, and “I’m not that interesting” as I did when I started writing for the work blog … but then I thought who cares, I’m writing this one for ME!!

So now after 112 posts (really, already!) that relate to my family history, events I’ve been to, geneamemes, local history, and a few general ones, that’s my blog! And I’m loving it!

As does happen with blogging, so I’ve seen (and now discovered for myself), two blogs isn’t enough, so I ended up starting a third. Ok, ok … it wasn’t the number of blogs, but the content needed to be separate, so in January 2013, blog No. 3 “Memorabilia House” was welcomed into the world.

I’m using that one to catalogue family heirlooms (photos, artifacts, ephemera etc.) as well as saying which family member is the current keeper of the item, and telling the story behind it. So I felt this one needed to have it’s own website.

So that’s the story of how and why I blog. So very truthfully, you can blame my job for getting me totally addicted to geneablogging!!

and I just HAD to include this one!

I just HAD to include this one!


And while I’m on the topic of blogging, I must say a BIG, BIG thankyou to the subscribers, readers and commenters. While I do write my blog for me to simply ramble on, and the world can read it if they wish, it is nice to know that people do read it. So thankyou.

And trust me, I have LOTS, and LOTS of ideas for future blog posts, some of which will happen, others probably won’t. But stick with me, and we’ll see what ends up getting done. 😉

One Response to “Blogging: How it Started for Me”

  1. Gen says:

    3 blogs… I don’t know how you do it!! And all with their own particular content and style, too.

    I find blogging very useful for presenting family information using stories or themes as the focus rather than data.

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