21 Signs That Your Partner Isn’t Into Genealogy as Much as You

While I know of a few couples who both research their family history, I believe that most of us have non-genie partners.

Putting it simply, our partners have to put up with a lot. Our excitement at finding something. Our frustration at not! Our telling the latest story about great aunt so-and-so who went to jail. The detours we make them take so we can visit a cemetery on the way … and so on.

While they may not understand us, or want to do research themselves, we should be thankful for our non-genie partners as they accept us as we are.

While I’m sure it’s obvious enough, here’s a list of 21 signs to show that your partner just isn’t into genealogy as much as you.

  1. They believe that your dining table is to be used as a dining table, not your genealogy storage desk
  2. For a day outing they suggest going to the zoo, where as you’d suggest going to the archives
  3. The places they suggest for a holiday include camping, resorts or theme parks, rather than ancestral towns and cemeteries
  4. They simply don’t share your excitement at finding your great great grandpa’s immigration record
  5. Or that someone has contacted you via DNA connection, which shows you have a whole new branch to explore
  6. To them an ‘old photo’ is an old photo. To you it’s a mystery to discover (the who, when, where, and why)
  7. They don’t understand your complete horror when they throw out photos and documents!!
  8. They don’t understand the phrases “download a Gedcom” or “upload raw data”
  9. For a present they give you a CD and box of chocolates, when you’ve been hanging out to get another DNA kit, and the brand new genealogy book
  10. Still on presents and everyone loves birthday money. But while they birthday money for something on the garden or car, yours goes towards buying more certificates!
  11. Scroll through the pics on their phone and it’ll show scenery, friend pics and food pics, while yours largely consists of headstones, photos of old family pics, and pics of documents from a recent visit to the archives
  12. Their bookshelf consists of lots of novels, while your bookshelf consists of lots of family histories and genealogy magazines
  13. You can name their family lines going back 5 generations, but they can only name back to their grandparents
  14. They don’t appreciate the effort you put in to making your grandma’s favourite cake. From translating the recipe from old-school measurements, to even finding the ingredients (or the current day equivalents)
  15. They believe you when you say ‘just 5 more minutes’
  16. Their social media friend list consists of friends they know from work and study, your friend list consists of people your know through genealogy
  17. They get excited about a new movie that’s just been released, while you get excited about a new batch of new records that’s has just gone online
  18. Their eyes glaze over when you tell them about your latest find on the old newspapers site
  19. Their dream house has a sunroom and pool, while yours has a library and your very own genealogy room
  20. A brickwall to you is very different to a brick wall to them.
  21. You ask them to read your latest genealogy writing – and they take one look and say ‘done’

So thankyou to the long-suffering non-genie partners, who simply let us do our thing, and in doing so we get to dig all the dirt in their family tree.

8 Responses to “21 Signs That Your Partner Isn’t Into Genealogy as Much as You”

  1. Moya Sharp says:

    Love this story and I can relate to everything you have mentioned. Not only partners but others such as siblings and children. I have been fortunate in having my husband really enjoying coming to the cemetery with me so this is a plus indeed.

  2. crissouli says:

    I have a halfway genie.. loves hearing about those he knew, and maybe his grandfather whom he never met, but forget that former 12 generations…
    loves wandering through old cemeteries and has a knack of finding wanted graves before I do..
    will happily climb over, walk longer.. to take a photo of a grave that I can’t get to..
    will wander around towns connected to family to see if the homes they lived in still exist..
    will go to family reunions and chat all day.. but often can’t recall who to.. and luckily, values family documents, cards, photos, any form of memorabilia…
    Come to think of it, maybe a 3/4 genie… especailly seeing our first picnic was in a beautiful beside a cemetery which we explored for hours.

  3. crissouli says:

    I have included your blog in INTERESTING BLOGS in FRIDAY FOSSICKING at


    Thank you, Chris

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