Gorge Road, Cudlee Creek – They Did it the Hard Way

For anyone who has taken a drive up to the Adelaide Hills there is a good chance that sometime or another you’ve driven along the Gorge Road and ended up either at, or driving through the tiny town of Cudlee Creek. Now you’d know that Gorge Road is long, it’s windy, it is steep, and it has a lot of big rock cliffs.

Next time you travel that road, here’s something to keep in mind …. IT WAS MADE BY HAND. That’s right! Not a machine in sight! It is simply the work of lots of men with picks, shovels and trolleys! And below are the pics to prove it.

Going Behind the Scenes with Artlab Australia

Today I got experience a little of what happens “behind the scenes” in Australia’s premier conservation company “Artlab Australia” … yay! And to say it was way cool would be such an understatement.

Now first up let me tell you that Artlab Australia is one of those places that works behind the scenes. You see their work, but rarely see them. They are conservators, and they are who the galleries, museums, libraries, other cultural institutions as well as private individuals and call regarding repairs to treasures that they have. And not just Australia, but from around the world.  So everything from paper documents, to photographs, to paintings, to books, to tapestries, to ceramics, even statues along with everything in between, is all part of the regular conservation work that Artlab does.