Trove Tuesday: The Saddest News of All

While ‘Troving’ for one of my family surnames recently, I came across an article that was just heart-wrenching, and have decided to share it with you as a Trove Tuesday post. It is an article which advises that Charles Spurgeon McCullough, the son of my son of great great grandparents the Rev. Robert McCullough and his wife Eva (nee Richardson), had been killed in action in World War 1.

Having never been exposed to the atrocities of war other than reading about it in history books, and seeing it on TV, I don’t pretend to have any real concept of the feelings of how my family (or any family for that matter) felt when their son left for war. Let alone getting the news that he’d been killed in action. And how the family dealt with this afterwards? But you can get a small sense of it from the article.

Tips for Geneablogger Writers and Readers

Tips for Geneablogger Writers and Readers … actually should be called Tips for Every Reader or Writer of Blogs, as it is actually for everyone who reads and/or writes blog posts, which obviously includes those in the geneablogger scene, but this goes far beyond just them.

From my two or so years that I’ve now been blogging, through my various blogs, these are tips that I have picked up along the way. You may agree with some, and not others. And others may have more tips to add. By all means feel free to do so.

Tip 1. Allow comments on your blog.
Yes you will get spam, but wouldn’t you like to know that someone enjoyed your post so much they wanted to comment on it. Or if someone has googled and has come up with the name of your great grandpa who you wrote a post about a year ago, and they wanted to get in touch with you – don’t make it hard for them to do so. It’s off putting.

Unlock the Past’s 3rd History & Genealogy Cruise – Geneacruising Part 3

It’s Sunday afternoon and I should be packing my bags as it’s just over a week and I’m heading of the the centre of the genealogy-world Salt Lake City, Utah for RootsTech… but I’m finding it really, really hard, as Summer has extended itself wayyy into March, which includes more record heatwaves above 35C, thinking about what to wear for 10C days, and 0C nights is really hard.

So since I also needed to finish off telling you about the last few days of the cruise, blogging wins out for now and packing will come later.

So in part 1 I told you about the first few days, part 2 I told you about the 2 days at Noumea, so now it’s on to the rest.

Friday 15 February 2013 to Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Small Social Media Geneameme

One of the highlights of the recent 3rd History & Genealogy Cruise was the ‘Social Media Panel’. Chaired by Jill Ball, and with Shauna Hicks, Louis Kessler, Helen Smith and myself as panelists, Jill asked us questions regarding social media, which each of us answered.

As we all use social media differently it gave those those who came to this presentation an overview of how it can be used in many ways.

Now Jill has turned the social media questions into a geneameme, and is asking those in the geneasphere to get some answers to the questions that she posed to the panel.

1. Tell us about your favourite social media tool and why you like it.
During the panel I did answer Twitter to this, which is partially correct. I actually have fav’s for different things. For general interaction I like Facebook, for more indepth stories there are