Tips for Geneablogger Writers and Readers

Tips for Geneablogger Writers and Readers … actually should be called Tips for Every Reader or Writer of Blogs, as it is actually for everyone who reads and/or writes blog posts, which obviously includes those in the geneablogger scene, but this goes far beyond just them.

From my two or so years that I’ve now been blogging, through my various blogs, these are tips that I have picked up along the way. You may agree with some, and not others. And others may have more tips to add. By all means feel free to do so.

Tip 1. Allow comments on your blog.
Yes you will get spam, but wouldn’t you like to know that someone enjoyed your post so much they wanted to comment on it. Or if someone has googled and has come up with the name of your great grandpa who you wrote a post about a year ago, and they wanted to get in touch with you – don’t make it hard for them to do so. It’s off putting.

Facebook and Genealogy: 100 Links for Australian Researchers

There is no doubt that Facebook is THE popular to keep you connected to family and friends. But do you realise just how important it can be for your genealogy? Facebook and genealogy … really? Absolutely!

You can find genealogy related groups online to ask your how-to questions, you can keep up with what your local societies are doing, you can help track down your digger ancestors, ask for help identifying those old photos you’ve inherited, find out the latest publications from companies, find a researcher and so much more.

Facebook is there to be used, so why not use it to your advantage.