Discovering Links: A Bunch of “General” Sites

What do vintage adverts, old maps, stock photos, military acronyms and rescued heirlooms have in common? They have made it on to my second “Discovering Links” post.

It is these “General” links that I’ve decided to share with you. Why “General” you may ask? Well, simply because they are either about a topic as opposed to a place, or they don’t fit into any ‘one’ specific country category … so they get filed into general (well in my world they do anyway).

I hope you find the following links of interest.

New Series: Discovering Links … Scottish and the US to Start With

I’m not that keen on study. Never was. And probably never will be. At least not in the long-course-structure-type-learning-thing anyway. But I am continually learning, and expanding my genealogy knowledge because through all of my genealogy-related reading (such as genie magazines, blogs, as well the numerous social media sites), and even just chatting with customers in our store at Gould Genealogy I come across some fascinating websites and interesting info. While not all are relevant for my own research, I still find it interesting. But unfortunately they don’t ALL stay stuck in my head as they should (not enough UHU or blu-tac obviously), so I write them down.

I find writing them down is good, but to be useful I need to have access to my list of interesting links, as I don’t carry my

Facebook and Genealogy: 100 Links for Australian Researchers

There is no doubt that Facebook is THE popular to keep you connected to family and friends. But do you realise just how important it can be for your genealogy? Facebook and genealogy … really? Absolutely!

You can find genealogy related groups online to ask your how-to questions, you can keep up with what your local societies are doing, you can help track down your digger ancestors, ask for help identifying those old photos you’ve inherited, find out the latest publications from companies, find a researcher and so much more.

Facebook is there to be used, so why not use it to your advantage.

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: N is for … Never-Ending New Stuff and New Jersey

As has happened numerous times throughout the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge, I’ve changed my mind of what to write about after already starting this post.

So for this N post I’d like to say that


We all know that the internet is an absolute wealth of information with new websites and new records being added online daily. Seriously the rate of growth is overwhelming. So how do we keep up with what new online that interests us? And by that I’m meaning anything genealogy or genealogy-related, but you knew that didn’t you … just checking!!

Well there are several ways, so let me share those with you …