History Under Your Feet

North Terrace is a major road right in the heart of Adelaide, South Australia, yet I’m amazed at the number of people who don’t even know that the plaques are there. These represent the many men and women who helped make South Australia as it is, and they are right there on the footpath under your feet.

Heading over to Wikipedia they explain the plaques as …

The Jubilee 150 Walkway, also variously known as the Jubilee 150 Commemorative Walk is a series of (initially) 150 bronze plaques set into the pavement of North Terrace, Adelaide.

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: M is for … Memories, Memoirs and a Headstone

The letter M has proved to be harder than I thought, simply because there are too many choices. Firstly I decided to write about marriages, then that changed to military records, followed by writing about grandpa’s Magarey Medals, and then monumental inscriptions. So as you can see my head has been swarming with M words for the past few weeks.

So after starting and then restarting this post several times, and before I change my mind again, I’m going to write about …


I felt that I couldn’t write about memories without also writing about memoirs along with it, so I’ve combined them for this post.