Movember Ancestors #2: Arthur Albert Beecken

The second moustached ancestor I wish to introduce you to for my Movember Ancestors series is Arthur Albert Beecken. I don’t think I’ve mentioned the Beecken’s on my blog before. Not because they’re not interesting, but rather as it’s not a side that I’ve concentrated my research on yet, so I don’t have a whole lot of information.

However I do know that Arthur Albert Beecken was born in South Australia in 1877, and served in the Boer War from 1898-1900. And according to the Beecken Family History book, he was the 32nd person in South Australia to enlist in the South Australia Mounted Rifles.

Movember Ancestors #1: Samuel Phillips

November is here, and that’s means that it is Movember – the month for mo’s! While I do contribute by donating to the cause as I believe it is an important one, I have decided to make November a month to highlight my moustached-ancestors.

I’ve spent some time time browsing through all the old family pictures that I have scanned, and have come up with a number of moustached men, so have decided to share some of them with you throughout November for Movember.