Facebook vs Mailing Lists

This is one of those posts that I want to write. But it’s been rewritten about so many times already (both on the computer and in my head), and renamed about twice that number. So maybe I should give up figuring that it’s just never meant to be. But I’m stubborn, and I want to have my say on this, so I shall persevere, and see if I ever get to hit the “publish” button.

So here goes … Facebook vs Mailing Lists!  Or more to the point the usefulness of Facebook groups verses mailing lists. Have I got your attention?

Now I’ve been an advocate of genealogy and Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, I still am, as there’s heaps of useful groups and pages that you can follow. Just type Facebook in my search box, and you’ll find a bunch of articles I’ve written about it. So there’s no doubt about that. But … yes there’s a BUT, I have two big beefs with them.

4th Unlock the Past Cruise: Day Six, 9 February 2014

Continuing my report of the 4th Unlock the Past Cruise, and Sunday the 9th of February was day six of the cruise. This was another sea day, so there was a heap of talks scheduled. Looking at my notebook, I see that I highlighted nine talks to go to, but I actually only ended up going to four. One thing about sea days, and getting up ealyish is seeing the beautiful sunrises, the like one at the top of this post. That was taken from my cabin before heading up for breakfast.