Trove Tuesday: Rain, Football and the Police

Trove Tuesday is here yet again. First up for those who many be new to my blog, here’s a super quick explanation of what Trove Tuesday is. Here in Australia we have the most wonderful resource in the world called “Trove”, created by the National Library of Australia. This is home to millions of records which are being put online, part of which is the historical digitised newspapers. As a way of showcasing what they have, and telling the world of our wonderful finds, Amy from the Branches Leaves and Pollen blog started doing Trove Tuesday, and since then Aussie geneabloggers have made embraced it and Tuesday has simply become Trove Tuesday.

Now on to my story about rain, football and the police. Saturday 28th August 1926 was an exciting day for many, including my great uncle, Uncle Pete. In 1926 he was 12 years old, living at ‘Salem Glen’ at Gumeracha, and loved his football. August the 28th was the grand final for