Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: N is for … Never-Ending New Stuff and New Jersey

As has happened numerous times throughout the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge, I’ve changed my mind of what to write about after already starting this post.

So for this N post I’d like to say that


We all know that the internet is an absolute wealth of information with new websites and new records being added online daily. Seriously the rate of growth is overwhelming. So how do we keep up with what new online that interests us? And by that I’m meaning anything genealogy or genealogy-related, but you knew that didn’t you … just checking!!

Well there are several ways, so let me share those with you …

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: M is for … Memories, Memoirs and a Headstone

The letter M has proved to be harder than I thought, simply because there are too many choices. Firstly I decided to write about marriages, then that changed to military records, followed by writing about grandpa’s Magarey Medals, and then monumental inscriptions. So as you can see my head has been swarming with M words for the past few weeks.

So after starting and then restarting this post several times, and before I change my mind again, I’m going to write about …


I felt that I couldn’t write about memories without also writing about memoirs along with it, so I’ve combined them for this post.

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: L is for … Letters

For the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge I have decided to write about ‘Letters”. It’s almost a lost art these days, with email, texting, and DMs (direct messages) – who needs to write eh?

L is for LETTERS

Writing a letter was THE way to communicate up until relatively recently … well at least until phones became popular. I’m sure every one of you can remember just how exciting it was to actually get a letter (not a bill) in the mail. I know I sure was.