Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: Q is for … Quest

While thinking about options of what to write about for Q in the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge, the one word that kept popping into my head was quest. So for my Q post …

Q is for Quest

I really don’t need to tell you all that researching your family history is a never-ending journey – one that takes you places you never thought you’d go (figuratively, and sometimes physically), and leads you to discoveries about your family that is far better that fiction … so I believe ‘quest’ is the best word to describe the journey.

My New (Business) Genealogy Cards

Well I did it! After being inspired by Kerry from ClueWagon, and Judy from Queensland Genealogy I went and got my own business I mean genealogy cards. I call them “genealogy cards”, as they are not my business cards that I hand out with my work details on it, but my details rather to me in the genealogy scene.