Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: C is for Convicts

I couldn’t wait for ‘C’ of the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge, because I knew exactly what I wanted to write about: CONVICTS, CONVICTS, CONVICTS, CONVICTS, CONVICTS, CONVICTS  and more CONVICTS!

I did actually come up with a whole heap of other possibilities, however I couldn’t go past convicts. So let me tell you a little about the convicts in my (and by ‘my’ I mean my own, and Mr Lonetester’s) family history.

C is for Convicts

Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge: B is for [Family] Bible

I’ve decided to take up the challenge set by Gould Genealogy to blog about the ‘Family History Through the Alphabet’, at least for some letters.

For this challenge geneabloggers are asked to write about someone or something connected to their family history, that starts with the letter of the week. This week’s letter is B.

B is for [Family] Bible

For the letter ‘B’ I have chosen the to highlight the Bible. But not just ANY Bible, this is the Randell Family Bible.